A good two thirds of all Germans shop online. The market leader in this business: Amazon. Meanwhile, city centers are becoming increasingly deserted. 00:00 Amazon is customer-oriented - but retailer-oriented? 02:45 Amazon as a retailer AND online marketplace for other retailers 04:57 Online retail: advantages and disadvantages 07:20 Amazon's unscrupulous formula for success? 14:38 Urban online strategy without Amazon 19:35 Software alternatives to Amazon 23:53 Is Amazon abusing its market power? 29:30 Psychological consequences for online retailers 33:36 Amazon's "action plan" 35:26 Small retailer wins court case against Amazon 37:30 Successes of Mein-Heilbronn.de without Amazon 41:50 Networking of private online retailers through Shopware 44:00 Conclusion on the future of retail CUSTOMERS BUY MORE FROM AMAZON, LESS IN STORES In Germany, the world's largest department store generates a good 30 percent of total online sales. Traditional shops in city centers are feeling the effects. Their customer base is declining and moving online. ONLINE RETAILERS ARE ALSO SUFFERING FROM AMAZON'S MARKET POWER Online retailers in this country are also increasingly critical of Amazon's market power. Even those who offer their products on Amazon's own sales platform Marketplace. They can hardly compete against the US company, they say. In the battle for customers there is always only one winner. ONLINE RETAILERS JOIN AGAINST AMAZON But there are alternatives to Amazon. Brick-and-mortar retailers can use the advantages of the internet without having to give up their stores. In order to remain independent, online shops are now forming sales communities. A growing trend, completely free of charge and without pressure to pay commission. Initiatives are currently being launched in various places in Germany that want to achieve exactly that. Maintain diversity, stop inner city shopping from dying out and lead retail into the digital future. But does online retail still work without the giant Amazon? And at what price? ----------- Note: We broadcast this documentary for the first time on February 7, 2018 under the title: The Amazon System - The Merciless Battle in Online Retail. All statements and facts correspond to the status quo at the time and have not been updated since then. ----------- Authors: Andreas Bernardi & Jörg Hommer Image source: Image source: picture alliance/dpa Moritz Frankenberg/Frank Rumpenhorst ----------- ► • Amazon – how the online giant is ... ► • Amazon: monopoly in online trading? Pl... ► • Amazon vs. retailers on the marketplace... ► • Marktcheck checks Amazon – online gig... ► • Amazon out of control? Marktcheck SWR ----------- ► More information about the show on our homepage: https://www.swrfernsehen.de/marktcheck/ ► More about Marktcheck on our Facebook page: / marktcheck ► You can subscribe to our channel here: http://x.swr.de/s/13x1 ► You can find more about our Ökocheckers on Instagram: / oekochecker ► Comments are welcome - but please observe the netiquette: https://www.swr.de/home/netiquette-10... ► Legal notice: https://www.swr.de/impressum/ ► Data protection: https://www.swr.de/datenschutz/ #onlinehandel #amazon #shopping