The Amazing Spider-Man has been overshadowed by the iconic Spider-Man films that came before it, never quite reaching its potential due to studio meddling, but it still does a lot of things about Spider-Man perfectly, holds a special place in my heart, and is clearly a lovingly made film. I was always excited to talk about it, and now it’s time. I felt like there were a few controversial thoughts in the video, but oh well, Andrew’s Spider-Man gets a real kick out of it. I don’t think I’m going to get much backlash. This was definitely one of the most challenging videos I’ve made so far. I hope it was worth it, and I hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to subscribe for more Spideygorn content. Thwip Thwip! Previous videos in my REVIEW OF ALL THE SPIDER-MAN MOVIES series: Spider-Man: • Spider-Man (2002) IS THE BEST S... Spider-Man 2: • Spider-Man 2 IS THE BEST S... Spider-Man 3: • Spider-Man 3 IS THE BEST FINAL IT COULD HAVE...