It's finished and is being installed - the 411 gearbox in the 2010 frame. Hey everyone, time is running out and I started installing the gearbox on December 18th. I was really tense that day because it wasn't clear until late afternoon that I would be able to leave to get the cabin. But I still wanted to take you with me. Have fun, guys. Lighting in the workshop: https://www.autolampensalon.com/ Paypal channel support: [email protected] My wish list: https://www.amazon.de/hz/wishlist/ls/... My product recommendation Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/shop/steelstyle... Clothing in the shop: https://steelstyler81.myspreadshop.de Welding table: www.german-weldingtools.com (Easter with big discounts) Discount code: Steelstyler5 (on everything) #steelstyler #unimog #werkstatt #workshop #diycrafts #selfmade #tutorial #lifestyle #tractor #restauration #truck #diy #automobile #mechanic #garage #vlog #sound . .