This is the adventure story of Peter Rabbit and his animal friends written by British children's author Beatrix Potter. Meet the lovable and unique animal friends, including the mischievous rabbits Peter and Benjamin, Jemima the duck, and Tom the cat! 00:00 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 1: Mrs. Rabbit Goes into Town 02:28 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 2: Into the Garden 05:32 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 3: The Chase 07:54 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 4: The Garden Gate 11:33 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny 1: The Farmer Goes to Town 14:10 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny 2: The Scarecrow 16:53 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny 3: A Walk in the Garden 19:54 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny 4: The Cat and the Basket Little Fox has been publishing a variety of English fairy tales every day since 2000 to ensure that children do not lose interest in English. You can learn systematic English sentences naturally and enjoyably through educational fairy tales written by local American authors and dubbed directly by musical actors in New York, USA and native speakers with experience in Disney and famous animation. ▶ Little Fox Official Website https://www.littlefox.co.kr