In this episode of Food Adventure, we reveal the details of halva production and how plain, cocoa, pistachio and summer halva varieties are made. We also witness the journey of tahini, an essential part of halva production, starting with sesame, and how it turns into tahini katmer. Food Adventure, where we seek the answer to the question “Why do we eat halva after eating fish?” is on TRT Documentary! #FoodAdventure #Documentary #TRTBocumentary #Halva #Tahin You can also follow us on other digital platforms. Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/trtbelgesel?... Documentaries on TRT TV!: https://www.trt.tv/belgesel Facebook / trtbelgesel Twitter: / trtbelgesel Instagram: / trtbelgesel Web: https://www.trtbelgesel.com.tr