“The Accountant” is an action-packed thriller that delves into the life of Christian Wolff, played by renowned actor Ben Affleck. Christian is no ordinary accountant; he is a mathematical genius with little empathy, exceptional abilities and an autism spectrum disorder, which allows him to see the world in a unique way. However, behind his boring accounting exterior lies a life full of dangers and dark secrets. Christian works as a forensic accountant for some of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world, using his skill with numbers to uncover embezzlement. His life takes a turn when he accepts a legal job at a robotics company, only to discover a multi-million dollar gap in their books. As he gets closer to the truth, a series of events unfold that put his life at risk, thus revealing his true personality and abilities, which go beyond mathematics. Don't forget to check out my social media: Facebook: / lalunadegabo Instagram: / lalunadegabo TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@la.luna.de.gabo