Today's film is about the technology of tapes. What challenges lie in the tape technology that has been developed over the years? How do you achieve the most linear frequency response possible in order to achieve the HiFi quality that we are used to? This project naturally has no commercial goals, but is an educational project. It is therefore not my intention to promote or advertise any products. Nor were any products provided by companies or organizations for the project; they were purchased by myself or come from the inventory of the Wiedenbrück Telephone and Radio Museum or other museums. At this point I would like to expressly thank Mr. Richard Kügeler for his support! The devices shown here in the film can be viewed in the Wiedenbrück Radio and Telephone Museum! The review of earlier developments offers a unique opportunity to learn from old patents and to make them aware of current projects and developments. All verbal contributions represent my own free opinion. Please note this in order to avoid misunderstandings. Technical errors can also never be ruled out!