In this two-part series, I would like to examine Amaterasu Omikami, one of the "Three Noble Children," the gods said to be the most important in Japanese mythology, based on the legends handed down in Izumo. In this first part, I will introduce the homeland of the Izumo tribe and the story that leads to their beliefs and Amaterasu. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーInstagram / qpj.design Facebook https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id... #Izumo#Amaterasu#Three Noble Children#Izumo#Dragon Snake God#Arahabaki#Dragon Snake God#Kunato#Sachihime#Sarutahiko Family#Yamato #India#Travita#Seguro Umihebi#Sainokami#Romance of the Three Kingdoms#Izumo Taisha#Izumo Tribe#Yamimio#Yachihoko