Rule No. 1: Use your body as a spiritual weapon in your spiritual life. Rule No. 2: The truth of your words must be confirmed by the truth of your life. Rule No. 3: Receive blows and insults with wisdom! They will bring you much more spiritual good than praise and flattery. Rule No. 4: The man of God must fight spiritually especially in his mind, not just in his body. Rule No. 5: On the path of life, beware of the three strongholds of evil. To reach God, you must cross the terrible night and the dry lands. The five rules were extracted from the Homilies of Saint Macarius the Egyptian, who is one of the great monks who authored ascetic writings. The homilies are published in full in volume 12 of the collection "Church Fathers and Writers" (new series), Basilica Publishing House. PR. NICOLAE DIMA I have been serving for over ten years at the Saint Nicholas Church - "Dintr-o Zi" in Bucharest. I worked for a long time at Radio Trinitas (1998-2007) and had the privilege of working in the first team of Television Trinitas (2007-2014). So I have a fairly extensive journalistic background. Through this YouTube channel I want to present catechetically and as systematically as possible important elements of the Orthodox Christian faith. I address myself primarily to Orthodox Christians. My goal is not polemics or the search for originality at any cost. I believe that we will be better and better Christians to the extent that we know the Holy Scriptures, the teaching of faith of our Church, the teaching of the Holy Fathers and the meaning of Orthodox services. I will also walk this broad and already well-trodden path in future videos.