http://eletri.co/lide-dyt ???????? How to Read and Interpret Electrical Diagrams and Become a Recognized Maintenance Electrician . http://eletri.co/manual-de-eletrica ???????? Electrical Manual . . Capacitor bank for power factor correction is, by far, one of the subjects that generates the most curiosity and, not surprisingly, we rarely see this subject in schools. So today, in addition to learning what a capacitor bank is, you will also be able to understand once and for all what the 5 components of the capacitor bank are for power factor correction. As you may already know, it is necessary to use the capacitor bank to correct the power factor of an installation, that is, if there are components such as transformers, contactors (inductive electrical machines) in an installation. Then you most likely have reactive power consumed from the generating source that will cause your power factor to be above that established by ANEEL. This results in fines and unnecessary costs on your energy bill, so the solution is to purchase an automatic capacitor bank system to solve this problem. #### Link Commented in the Video#### http://eletri.co/capacitorsiemens ???? Discover Siemens' line of capacitor bank products #### You may also be interested in these videos #### • What is power factor? - What is power factor? • What is a capacitor bank? - What is a capacitor bank? • Purpose of the MIM Capacitor (Single-Phase Electric Motor) - Purpose of the MIM Capacitor (Single-Phase Electric Motor) ✅ Did you like this video? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✍️ Leave your comment ???? Share with friends ???? Follow our networks ➽ https://linktr.ee/saladaeletrica /// You can find us here too: ⚡ Our FanPage ???? http://eletri.co/face ⚡ Our Blog/Website ???? http://eletri.co/blog ⚡ Our Instagram ???? /// Course: ⚡ Electrical Commands ???? http://eletri.co/ytcoel1