Today I come to talk about something different than usual, homebrew on the 3DS and its advantages. I decided to talk about this because of the number of people I saw saying that the 3DS was dead, when in reality it is the opposite, to this day it is still worth buying one of these consoles, and I will explain why :D! Follow me on my social networks: Twitter: / poncol0 Tiktok: / p0ncolo Twitch: / poncol0 Don't forget to subscribe and give it a like! Download Pretendo!: https://pretendo.network/ Pages of the mods that I mentioned: Welcome Luxury: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-a... NSMB Next: https://smbnext.net/ 3D Land Expedition: https://gamebanana.com/mods/376715 CTGP-7: https://ctgp-7.github.io/ 00:00 Intro 1:00 Pretendo 1:56 Essential apps and customization 3:03 Emulators 3:40 Universal Updater and curious apps 4:38 Unofficial ports on the 3DS 10:08 Hshop 11:40 Mods for games 13:37 Final