This is a video of the goldfish exhibition and sales event held in Taku City, Saga Prefecture, sponsored by Maruyoshi Goldfish Store. It was our first event! This is a video of Maruyoshi Goldfish Store alone❕ If you watch this, you and I can get to know Maruyoshi Goldfish Store‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️ • [Maruyoshi Goldfish Shop] - Fantastic varieties from the mountain goldfish paradise - Maruyoshi Goldfish Shop [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/maruyoshiki... Kingyoya Horaku [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/kingyoya.ho... Kingyoya Horaku [Homepage] https://www.kingyoya-horaku.jp/?fbcli... Kingyoya Horaku [Shopping site] https://shop.kingyoya-horaku.jp/produ... Maki Medaka Shop [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/maki_medaka... Maki Medaka Shop [TikTok] https://www.tiktok.com/@makimedakaya?... Naukia is currently working as a fish detective in Kumamoto and all over Kyushu, but we also do some rummaging and fishing ????❕ Naukia Instagram https://www.instagram.... Naukia TikTok https://www.tiktok.com... NaukiaX (old Twitter) https://x.com/LCCDDpr6... #Goldfish #Naukia #SagaPrefecture #MarugiCupGoldfishContest #MarugiGoldfishShop