A monstrous year my parakeets!!! Thank you and long live the 9th ART!!!!! Drop your top 5 in the comments!!!! The list: 15 - The Goldsmith @komicsinitiative9731 14 - Somna @editionsdelcourt 13 - Memoirs of Gray @editionsdelcourt 12 - The Hungry of Twilight @editionsdelcourt 11 - Yellow @editionsruedesevres6939 @LABEL619 10 - Southern Bastards @Urban_Comics 9 - Inside @404editions 8 - CARCAJOU @editionssarbacane1771 7 - The Man in Black @editionsdelcourt 6 - Phantom Road @panini 5 - Ulysses and Cyrano @casterman 4 - 1629 @GLENATBD 3 - Augmented Soul @404editions 2 - Friday @GLENATBD 1 - The Meteors @editionsdelcourt #comics #bd #comic #delcourt #glenat #urbancomics #panini #top