➤Twitter: / convergencia_cd ➤Facebook: / hackuscd ➤Discord: / discord ➤Live channel: / @convergenciadigitalplus6941 ➤Patreon: / convergenciadigital THUMBNAIL FANART: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/707... Music: ➤Faulty Ex Machina - Digimon World Next Order ➤????--RADWIMPS Special thanks to: ➤ / dramonbt for the avatar ➤ / skullki4 for the emojis 0:00 Introduction 0:47 The origin of the Knights 1:42 Requirements to be a Knight 3:19 Omegamon 3:54 Magnamon 4:56 Dukemon 6:30 Ulforce V-Dramon 7:03 Alphamon 7:36 LordKnightmon 8:34 Dynasmon 9:03 Craniumon 9:33 Sleipmon 10:03 Duftmon 10:45 Examon 11:05 Gankoomon 11:37 Jesmon 12:44 Digimon Chronicle ouryuken craniummon digimon savers digimon frontier lordknightmon dynasmon Crusadermon Examon sleipmon duftmon leopardmon jesmon gankoomon jesmon gx digimon chronicle digimon x evolution antibody x x antibody