In the world of Naruto, there are legendary ninjas whose stories remain largely unknown. Among them are Sakumo Hatake, the feared White Fang; Might Duy, who mastered the Eight Gates in secret; Kagami Uchiha, a respected prodigy; Ashina Uzumaki, a master of sealing; and Sasuke Sarutobi, Hiruzen's father and an influential figure in the founding of Konoha. Others, such as Mito Uzumaki, the first jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, and Fugaku Uchiha, strategist of the Uchiha clan, have also shaped the shinobi world in quiet and powerful ways. Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @radaranime EP: 381 Director: Kamuz Script: Kamuz Source: CriticalHits, Legião de Herios, Fandom. Everything else: Kamuz Instagran Radar Anime / radar_anime