WE ARE GBA MUSIC, an artistic agency focused on the Catholic Christian market. We created #GBAstage with the aim of promoting unity. Here you will enjoy your favorite artist and discover many other talents. New video every week. GBA STAGE - THE STAGE IS OURS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Ramon and Rafael Music: What a Sanctity of Life Written by: Monsignor Jonas Abib Keyboard: Junior Viana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram: Ramon and Rafael - / ramonerafaelofc GBA Music - / gbamusicoficial #GBAstage #RamoneRafael #coversbrasil #MusicaCatolica #GBAmusic #OPalcoé Nosso #TheVoiceBrasil #GBAstageOpalcoÉnosso #cover #CatholicMusic #QueSantidadeDeVida #CancaoNova #covercatolico #covercristao #PadreJonas #PadreJonasAbib #monsenhorjonasabib #TVCancaoNova #ComunidadeCancaoNova