Hashimoto made this manzai comedy act as a token of her gratitude to the drama "Omameda Towako and her Three Ex-husbands," which she loved. ------------The first official YouTube channel of Ginshari, the 2016 M-1 Grand Prix champions, "Ginshari Channel." As they travel around the country for "Ginshari's Direct from the Source Manzai Tour of 47 Prefectures," Ginshari will be touring the regions, performing local manzai acts, and showing off a different side of themselves from TV, with plenty of private footage! Please subscribe to the channel! From now on, they will be releasing one episode per week (every Wednesday). Ginshari Official Instagram Account (Please subscribe here too!) https://www.instagram.com/ginshari_of... ★Sponsored by Gaitame.com You can listen to Nippon Broadcasting System Radio's "Ginshari's Hokuhoku Money Radio" at the URL below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR-GG... #TowakoOmamedaandherthreeex-husbands#Ginshari#Manzai