The great singer Thainá Azzolini from the duo Thainá and Thairine honored us by attending an event hosted by Dueto Fandangueiro, Gaiteiro do Paraná and Sidinei Martins. She gave us three songs, É Disso que o Velho Gosta (Gildo Campos/Berenice Azambuja), Tertúlia (Leonardo) and Nós (Valteron Cadoso). We were honored because she has one of the most beautiful voices we have in the entire country and, above all, she is a dear friend. I wish all the success in the world to my dear Azzolini Family. IF YOU LIKED IT, SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL TO SEE THE NEW VIDEO AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT, LIKE, SHARE AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS, IT WILL BE A BIG HELP!!! I THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!! Social Networks: Instagram: @ogaiteirodoparana Facebook: Gaiteiro do Paraná