The radio program "Takeda Tetsuya This Morning's Three-Piece Fillet" is a radio talk show hosted by Takeda Tetsuya. It began broadcasting on April 4, 1994, so it's amazing that it has been going on for 29 years in 2023. When I first heard it, I was surprised to learn that Takeda Tetsuya is a great reader. He uses the book as a basis for his stories and unravels them in an easy-to-understand way. It's very educational, and sometimes he talks about himself and his interactions with his wife, making us laugh, which is very fun. His dialogue with announcer Mizutani Kana is also fun. In this channel, we will be mixing in past articles from the archive. As the channel title says, there seem to be many people who "unintentionally want to read a book"???? Please enjoy. ◇Related Videos & Recommended Videos◇ [Takeda Tetsuya] What are the differences between men and women that appear when you turn 60? How should you handle it? It's better to know the "Torisetsu"! [This morning's cut into three pieces] • [Takeda Tetsuya] What are the differences between men and women that emerge when they reach the age of 60? How should you deal with them? "To... [Takeda Tetsuya] 1/2 A manual for dealing with bad moods - Men's and women's brains are different: A must-read for couples who tend to fight! What's the secret to men and women understanding each other? [This morning's cut into three pieces] • [Takeda Tetsuya] 1/2 A manual for dealing with bad moods - Men's and women's brains are different: A must-read for couples who tend to fight! What's the secret to men and women understanding each other? [This morning's cut into three pieces] • [Takeda Tetsuya] 2/2 A manual for dealing with bad moods - What are the tips for finding out why someone is in a bad mood? How can you get along with them? [This morning's cut into three pieces] • [Takeda Tetsuya] 2/2 A manual for dealing with bad moods - What are the tips for finding out why someone is in a bad mood? How can you get along with them? [Takeda Tetsuya] What does it mean to be "compatible"? This explanation, based on Jung's personality theory, is surely relatable to anyone? ???? [This morning's three-piece cut] • [Takeda Tetsuya] What does it mean to be "compatible with horses"? An explanation based on Jung's personality theory that makes you think... Free BGM: YouTube Audio Library #Takeda Tetsuya's three-piece cut this morning #Takeda Tetsuya #60-year-old's manual