TME STORE CHANNEL: • 1.1 What is a tool taper?... VK group: https://vk.com/tmeosnastka Instagram: / tmeosnastka Link to the tool holder: https://tme-osnastka.ru/derzhavki-tok... Link to the inserts: https://tme-osnastka.ru/plastiny-toka... Promo code: TOTESTNIKKO - 21% discount on turning holders and inserts until August 1, 2020 For the development of the SB channel - 427 660 005 367 46 16 Thank you all in advance VKONTAKTE - https://vk.com/id238904560 You can find the rest of the links by going to my channel and looking at the header. INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/valeriy_v_g?igs... #lathe#turner#jaws#chuck#drills#cutters#metal#processing#sharpening