This time, they will seriously take on junior high school Japanese, social studies, and English tests! In the last social studies test, Satomura, the youngest manager, made a comment that said he would easily win if he had this feeling, and now he is competing in this test! Also pay attention to Hamaya's unusual answer in English! If you are interested in Ohio, click here for the previous test • [Junior high school test] "Yamauchi with a teaching license" VS "Hamiya, a high school graduate" VS "Hamiya, a Waseda graduate school graduate... ▼If you don't understand "OP no Dosukoi", please check this video • [OP greeting] When Kamaitachi thought up a greeting, the result was outrageous ▼Videos are most likely to be uploaded every other day at 12:00. ▼Kamaitachi Hamaya's "Hamaitachi" channel is here / @Hamaitachi Channel ▼Kamaitachi Yamauchi's "Nyantuber Nekouchi's Room" channel is here / @Nyantuber Nekouchi's Room This is a specialized channel by the comedy duo "Kamaitachi". Downtown Matsumoto named the channel. *This is not the YouTube channel for "Neo-chan" and "Milk Boy". ▼The "Neo Milk Boy" channel is here / @kamaitachi.channel [Kamaitachi Yamauchi Twitter] / yamauchi0117 [Kamaitachi Yamauchi Instagram] / sneakerkenji0117 [Kamaitachi Hamaya Twitter] / hamaitachi [Kamaitachi Hamaya Instagram] / hamaitachi [Kamaitachi Hamaya TikTok] https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSe6Uqfys/ #Test #Kamaitachi #Kabasawa Manager #Satomura Manager #Teacher's License #Waseda #Aoyama Gakuin University #High School Graduate #Junior High School Social Studies #Geography #History #Japanese #English