Contact us: https://clc.to/zel.vector Telegram channel https://clc.to/zelvector.telegram Our VK: https://clc.to/zel.vectorvk Instagram: https://clc.to/zel.vectorinst Phone: +7(911)925-41-63 Green Vector, Sergey Kravtsov Cost 490 thousand rubles. Landscape design and improvement of a site on a slope with geoplastics, terracing - looks more interesting than a flat surface - for the sake of such beauty, an artificial complex relief is created. If there is initially a site with a slope, then there is a need for a flat surface that will allow you to use this useful area. The method of leveling the surface of a site on a slope is terracing. For suburban areas, terracing with stepped backfill and slope reinforcement is usually chosen. Most often, the slopes of the terraces are made vertical and reinforced with retaining walls. Retaining walls can be made of different materials, such as concrete, brick, wood or natural stone fastened in gabions. The cheapest way to do terracing is without a retaining wall - from backfilling with soil and strengthening the slope with a geogrid with planting plants, lawn. It is important not to make mistakes in the design solution, choice of materials, sizes, and shapes of the retaining wall or slopes during terracing. Otherwise, mistakes can lead to the destruction of the retaining wall, or erosion, landslides and soil erosion of the terrace slope. To strengthen the slope of the terrace, we used a combination of a geogrid and seeded lawn; restored the storm system, made paving of paths from wild stone - flagstone. The final cost of the work was 490 thousand rubles. Now the terrace can be decorated with flower beds, flower vases and enjoy the beauty. #Geoplastics #PlotOnSlope #Terracing