This is a compilation of the live commentary series for "Terra Invicta," a game that simulates first contact with aliens. □ Chapter 0:00:00 [September 30, 2022] Encounter with a spaceship 0:15:57 [October 15, 2022] Encounter with an alien lifeform 0:31:38 [November 12, 2022] Encounter with an alien lifeform 0:50:05 [May 16, 2023] Encounter with a crisis 1:07:53 [October 16, 2023] Encounter with the truth 1:26:23 [April 16, 2024] Encounter with an alien 1:43:45 [November 1, 2024] Encounter with a giant creature 2:03:00 [May 16, 2025] Encounter with chaos 2:22:46 [December 16, 2025] Encounter with the Federation 2:41:28 [January 1, 2027] Encounter with a containment facility 3:01:35 [December 27, 2029] Encounter with change 3:16:33 [July 6, 2030] Encounter with the manifesto 3:34:27 [February 16, 2031] Encounter with the history of Hydra 3:53:23 [April 7, 2032] Encounter with Mercury 4:12:14 [April 7, 2033] Encounter with revolution 4:31:34 [December 1, 2033] Encounter with tragedy 4:49:45 [January 1, 2036] Encounter with a pioneer ship 5:07:19 [July 17, 2036] Encounter with alien technology 5:23:18 [July 10, 2037] Encounter with a modest hope 5:45:46 [May 16, 2039] Encounter with Victory 6:06:05 [June 16, 2040] Encounter with Invasion 6:29:20 [April 1, 2042] Encounter with Wreckage 6:51:59 [January 1, 2045] Encounter with Saturn 7:11:49 [August 21, 2047] Encounter with Unification 7:35:24 [December 31, 2050] Encounter with a New World □ Setting Difficulty: Cinematic Solar System: Minimum Faction: 8 Factions (Academy) Voiced by https://coefont.studio Voice By ondoku3.com #TerraInvicta #SlowLive