You are following us: IG: / teraborsuk FB: / teraborsuk YT: / @teraborsukofficial TT: / teraborsuk MERCH: https://www.spinaker.sk/dynamix#merch... All in one: https://linktr.ee/ teraborsuk The recording was made live without editing directly while filming the clip. This is an unplugged version, where the recording studio was Antošovský vrch in Ždiar in the Belianske Tatras. Nevertheless, you will be surprised by the fantastic sound and perfectly harmonized vocals. Screenplay, theme, direction, production and editing - Ján Papcun Camera - Slavomír Krestián Record/technical support - Dominik Krišš Record/mix/master - PF Recording (Pavol Feco Fecík) https://pfrecording.sk/ ------ -------------------------------------------- Music/Text - Folk - Ukrainian Цвіте терен, терен цвите А цвит опадя. Who doesn't know love, he doesn't know grief. А я молода тичка, Та и горя зазнала, Вечороньки не доїла, Нички не доспала. Очи мой, чорни очи, Что ви наробили? Who people bypassed, whom they loved. Although sing, do not sleep – Не чуде спати; Дес поежелад мий миленкий Иншу пластамати. -------------------------------------------------- - The field is blooming, the field is blooming, the leaves are falling, those in love don't know the mountains, they don't know the mountains And I, the young wild woman, experienced the mountains in the evenings, I didn't milk, I didn't sleep.