© Teo Family The EP “Minunat” brings to our attention the wonderful plan through which God chose to reveal Himself to His people after approximately four hundred years of silence. The Father never forgets His children. He wants to always remind us of His Word, which says: “The expectation of the righteous will be nothing but joy…” Yes! The Lord’s plan, always perfectly orchestrated, is always for the good of those who love Him and wait for Him, just like old Simeon who burned with the desire to see the Redemption with his own eyes. A sea of expectation… culminating in a Redemption, a King and a much greater Kingdom. This was the plan of our wonderful God. We joyfully invite you to sing with us, animated by the same peace that the angels once proclaimed on the fields of Bethlehem. Teo Family Contact: Email: [email protected] / teofamilymusic / teofamilymusic ???? Subscribe to our channel and express your thoughts, encouragements and suggestions in the comments section. ???????? You can also support these projects in prayer, with a share or financially ⤵️ Revolut: https://revolut.me/teofamily (@teofamily) Beneficiary: Ligia Palincas •GBP Account: 25251805 Sort Code: 04-00-75 •EUR IBAN: GB85REVO00997008766570 BIC: REVOGB21 •USD Account: 253680349957 ACH Routing Number: 026014928 WIRE Routing Number: 026013356 • RON Account holder: Palincas Ligia-Roxana Account: RO60 BRDE 360S V414 9029 3600 PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/teofamilymusic ______________________________________________ 1. Emanuel (La Betleem colo-n jos) Music and text (verses) inspired by Romanian folklore. Music and lyrics (chorus): Ioan Evu Adaptation: Teo Family Production: Teo Family, Andreea Costiuc, Daniel Carcea, Dan Petric. IN BETHLEHEM THE HEAVEN DOWN BURNS BRIGHTLY THE IMMORTAL MOTHER GIVES CHRIST TODAY THE KING OF ALL IS BORN IN THE MANGER OF THE BOY THE IMMORTAL MOTHER STANDS AND CRIES SOFTLY R: WHITE LILY FLOWER OUR DIVINE CHILD HAS COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, EMANUEL WHITE LILY FLOWER OUR DIVINE AND CLEAR CHILD HAS COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN OUR DIVINE AND CLEAR EMANUEL IN BETHLEHEM THE HEAVEN DOWN BURNS BRIGHTLY THE IMMORTAL MOTHER GIVES CHRIST TODAY THE ANGELS GIVE HIM A GLORY AND THE SHEPHERDS ANNOUNCE THAT THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF GOD, HAS BEEN INCARNATED ______________________________________ 2. Wonderful Music: Teo Family Lyrics: Dorin Miron & Teo Family Production: Teo Family, Andy Draghis, Daniel Carcea, Dan Petric WILL YOU STOP FOR A CLIP SO I CAN TELL YOU THE GOOD NEWS WHAT IS IT? THE SO BEAUTIFUL CAROL BRINGING US TOGETHER B: MAY THE PEACE OF JESUS FILL YOUR HEART, MAY THE FATHER'S LOVE PENETRATE YOUR BEING R: THE CHOIR OF ANGELS, THE STAR IN THE SKY ALWAYS REMINDS US THAT IN BETHLEHEM A WONDERFUL KING WAS GIVEN TO US, THE FATHER HAS NOT FORGOTTEN US, STOP FOR A MOMENT AND I WILL TELL YOU WHY IS IT A HOLIDAY? WHO CAME FROM HEAVEN TO TELL US THE GOOD NEWS? ______________________________________ 3. Through snowflakes Music and lyrics: Teo Family Production: Teo Family, Dani Carcea, Dan Petric HE CAME FROM HEAVEN FOR ME HE CAME AND WAS BORN CHRIST FOR ME WAS BORN B: RIGHT FROM HEAVEN GOD INTO A COLD WORLD TO SEND JESUS, MY KING R: THROUGH SNOWFLAKES HIS LOVE CALLS US HURRY TO CAROL, TO PROMISE CHRIST IS BORN! INTO A POOR STABLE FOR ME HE CAME NEAR BETHLEHEM FOR ME WAS BORN ______________________________________ 4. And Jesus was a child Music: Teo Family Text: Costache Ioanid Production: Teo Family, Zeno Zegrean, Loris Negrut, Dan Petric And Jesus was a child... Without a cradle, without glory. And shivers of frost penetrated His frail being. And Jesus was a child, so that all children would have a Father in heaven. And there was poor Jesus… The nurses watched with pity as they burned poppies on the face of the saddest of children. And there was poor Jesus, so that all the poor might have riches. And there was hungry Jesus… And he cried from the white of the cloth as lambs cry at dawn, the frail ones, with their dewy eyes. And there was hungry Jesus, so that all the hungry might be satisfied. And there was a lamb… for whom lions were waiting outside And from the heights of Judea and in the burning desert. And there was a lamb, so that all the lambs might have a Shepherd in Him. And there was a servant Jesus… up there, serving the Kingdom, down there, with Joseph and Mary. The whole world He gave himself up so that we too might have the slavery and adoption of Jesus ______________________________________ 5. The First Noel Production: Teo Family & Dodo Danciu. The First Noel, the Angels did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay In fields where they lay keeping their sheep On a cold winter's night that was so deep Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel! They looked up and saw a star Shining in the East beyond them far And to the earth it gave great light And so it continued both day and night Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel Born is the King of Israel! #teofamily #CollageCarols #WONDERFUL