Mystery and reality, legend and truth mark the journey of the Poor Knights of Christ, so it is not easy to unravel where legend ends and reality begins. A rigorous analysis of historical documents will allow us to get closer to the true story of men who not only protected the Holy Places, but also laid the foundations for our current Europe. Speaker: Santiago Soler Seguí, columnist, writer and historical researcher specializing in the Order of the Temple. Facebook: / ateneovalencia Twitter: / ateneovalencia Linkedin: / mycompany Instagram: / ateneovalencia Youtube: / ateneomercantildevalencia Web: https://www.ateneovalencia.es/ EMail: [email protected] #Templars #Crusades #OrderOfTheTemple #Ateneo #Mercantil #Valencia #AteneoValencia #AteneoMercantil #AteneoMercantilValencia #ateneovalencia #ateneo #Conference #knights #documentation #Europe #legend #Mystery #protectors #Reality #SantiagoSolerSeguí #HolyPlaces