Lyrics: Tell us, Joy, rejoice, you who are in Hades, how do the merkledis spend their time in your black darkness? They have wine to drink, clarinets to play, and beautiful girls to party with them. Tell us about the rich with their many parades, the black poverty, how do the poor live? Glory and a lot of money, my children, do not pass by; those who have a good heart, they have a good time. If you want to know, you who ask me, passersby, you are people of what you walk. Glory and a lot of money, my children, do not pass by; those who have a good heart, they have a good time. One night, the Evil One went out to find violins, he went out to sing in the poverty. Eat, drink and be merry, everyone, children. Whoever goes to the other world does not return. Our life is a lie. How can I tell you, one morning, one noon, one evening. Eat, drink and be merry, everyone, children. Whoever goes to the other world does not return. money, the properties in Hades do not pass, others will take them and curse you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ampari.gr/ in addition to Epirus goodies will now also have music! So we created a ...ampari with songs from Epirus but also from other regions of Greece, the ones we listen to and have fun with, the ones that remind us of our beloved Epirus. We love Epirus and we show it in every way! The audio and photographic content is the personal work of the creators to whom they belong.