Watch the premiere episodes of "Veshdok" first from Tuesday to Friday at 14:30 on the Inter TV channel. And also, the new cycle "Veshdok. Ahead of Time" from Monday to Thursday at 21:00! ________________ In March 1974, in the nomenklatura dacha village of Leski near Odessa, the deputy head of the regional department of the People's Control Committee Vasily Yegorov was shot. It happened at the official's dacha during the celebration of his anniversary. There were two girls with Vasily that evening: one was also shot, and the other one - they also tried to kill, stabbing her, but she survived. The fingerprints of the murdered man's wife, Vasilisa, were found on the gun from which the shots were fired. It turned out that the woman was undergoing treatment in a psychiatric hospital. How did she manage to escape from there? And did she really kill her husband or is someone trying to frame her? ________________ The Veshdok project is a series of crime documentary dramas with investigations into complex criminal cases from 1945 to 1985. Subscribe to the channel "Veshdok" on YouTube - / @veshchdok ---------------- "Concerns everyone" on YouTube - / @stosuetsiakozhnogo "Svidok NTN" on YouTube - / @svidoknews "The coolest" on YouTube - / @littlebigshotsukraine "Gotovim vmeste" on YouTube - / @gotovimvmeste "Cinema and TV Series" on YouTube - / @kino.serialy --------------- Subscribe to the channel "Inter" on YouTube - / intertvua Official page of "Inter" on Facebook - / inter.ua Find us on Instagram - / inter_tv_channel Website of the TV channel "Inter" - https://inter.ua/ru/ #veshdok #rechdok #personal_case #veshdok_special_case #tvchannelinter #veshdok_ahead_of_time