Subscribe to the ROLANDO Cb channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOY4... In this tutorial you are going to learn some techniques that you should put into practice to be able to turn your car correctly, coordinating the brake and the accelerator at the same time as the steering wheel. It takes practice. TECHNIQUES TO LEARN TO TURN WHEN DRIVING A CAR IN YOUR FIRST DRIVING CLASSES. LEARN TO DRIVE SUBSCRIBE. https://bit.ly/3tTP2yu / @aprendeaconducir3107 NEW QUESTIONS ON THE THEORETICAL DRIVING TEST. EXAM #1. • 2022 New written driving test... EXAM #2. • 2022 NEW WRITTEN DRIVING TEST... CURRENT DRIVING THEORETICAL TEST.ROLANDO CB EXAM #1 • CURRENT DRIVING THEORETICAL TEST 202... EXAM #2 • CURRENT DRIVING THEORETICAL TEST 202... PLAYLIST LEARN TO DRIVE CHANNEL • DRIVING CLASSES FROM SCRATCH #DRIVINGCLASSES #DRIVINGLICENSE #CAR