We have to admit that riding a motorcycle is not an easy task, but of all the things we do, braking is surely the most critical part of riding a motorcycle. What are the five most common mistakes we make when braking a motorcycle? In this video with Josep Armengol we will tell you about them. The rider who brakes well is the safest. Being able to control the brakes differentiates anecdotes and the occasional scare from a fall or crash. A rider who brakes well is a safer rider. And, if what we are looking for is to go fast, it will be even more important to know how to brake better… you don’t need to be a Márquez or an Acosta, but even to go through a curve quickly you have to know how to brake and release the brakes well… Braking on a motorcycle generates many questions and doubts, in this video we are going to address most of them by answering the question: what are the five most common mistakes? We will surely make more videos about brakes and braking, and we encourage you to suggest ideas.