A different way to play Tears of the Kingdom that tests how much you know about Zelda! The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom randomizer already exists and it's interesting, the best thing about it is that to beat Ganondorf you don't just have to go to the castle to get him, but you have to complete certain objectives beforehand and here I show you how I got them. I present to you the Tears of the Kingdom randomizer in Spanish made by MelonSpeedruns! I also leave you the link to download this video https://github.com/MelonSpeedruns/Tot... 00:00 - Intro 00:24 - Parasail 11:00 - Master Sword 17:24 - Complete 2 temples 22:24 - Defeat all bosses 23:55 - Ganondorf 28:28 - Subscribe In case anyone is curious and wants to interact more, you can join: Discord: / discord Twitch: / sirwilliam Twitter: / sirwilliamssb Instagram: / sirwilliamssb TikTok: / sirwilliamssb #tearsofthekingdom #randomizer #sirwilliam