How did the people have fun in the Ottoman Empire? Were taverns the oldest places of public entertainment in Ottoman Istanbul? Did Muslims also go to taverns? What were the entertainments in taverns? After the conquest of Istanbul, taverns continued their existence within the framework of the privileges granted to non-Muslims in Galata, and over time they spread throughout Istanbul and continued their existence despite the bans. The #YoğunTarih topic chosen by the Yıldız and Arş level KATIL members of the History Obası in the past months was Entertainment Life in Old Istanbul. Throughout this content series, I will talk about taverns, boza houses, coffee houses, picnic areas and sea baths. 1:37 Refik Ahmet Sevengil and Social History 3:54 Istanbul History and Entertainment 5:30 Folk Entertainments in the Ottoman Period 7:20 Entertainment Forms and Social Classes 10:00 Bosphorus and Moonlight Joys 12:05 Storytellers 13:50 Taverns in the Ottoman Empire 15:00 Taverns in Istanbul 16:25 Types of Taverns 17:36 Gedikli Taverns 18:04 Gelibolulu Mustafa Ali and Wine 19:21 Tavern Singers and Musicians 20:41 Tavern Chants 21:15 What is Drinked in Taverns? 27:25 Wine Stained on People's Clothing 28:40 Punishment for Those Caught Drinking Wine 30:31 Ottoman Sultans and Alcohol 33:13 Evliya Çelebi, IV. Tavernkeepers in the Murat Period 44:00 Jewish Tavernkeepers 50:43 Honey Water and Plato 54:35 Tavern Drawing in Nevizade Atayi 55:48 Taverns in Üsküdar 1:02:00 Taverns in the 19th Century * Click to become a JOIN member and benefit from the advantages! Courtesy is a must, those who use hate speech will be blocked, jokes and jokes are allowed! / @tarih_obası