In this fun animated film for children, Tatty and Misifu are preparing for Christmas and decide to decorate the Christmas tree. What magical story awaits our friends? What gifts will Tatty and Misifu receive for the holidays? Animated films for children for the New Year 🌈 Previous video: • Tatty and Misifu learn to dance 😻 ... ❤️ The best animated films for children: • Tatty wants to become a doctor and treat... ☀️️ Funny adventures of Tatty and Misifu: • 🎨 Lily draws with magic paint 🦈 Children's... ✨ Animation compilation for children: • The funny adventures of friends T... 😻 Tatty and Misifu - animated films about animals: • Tatty and Misifu help friends ... Subscribe to the Tatty and Misifu channel: / @tatty_bulgaria 00:00 Tatty and Misifu are looking for Santa Claus 06:59 Children wish each other a New Year 12:22 Holidays with friends are more fun