The full interview on FP+: https://frontpopulaire.fr/fpplus/renc... For 50 years, France has been getting into debt, getting poorer, diluted in a European Union that is draining it and a globalized finance that is plundering it. Our country is less and less sovereign, more and more dependent on the nations to which it has abandoned its production. But our producers still exist: they are in peripheral France, while the elites live in metropolises disconnected from reality. In Il est venu le temps des producteurs (éditions du Fil d'Actu), political YouTuber Tatiana Ventôse calls for their awakening. We welcome her. #industries #politics #budget #production ========== Visit the Front Populaire website to be informed, every day, of the latest news on sovereignty ???? https://bit.ly/3ylYGxs ========== Subscribe to the Front Populaire YouTube channel (and activate the bell for notifications!) ???? / @frontpopulaireoff ========== Subscribe to the Front Populaire magazine to access the site and its digital version ???? https://abo.frontpopulaire.fr/