Actress Tatiana Dyková does not allow pilgrimages and psycho-hygiene, which help her to breathe and leave demanding characters. She throws herself into various experiments and adventures. "Then it kicks me and I say to myself: it's great that I didn't know anything about it! If I had known, I would never have gone there," the actress praises her fasting and stays in the dark. What is she looking for in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi and what does she expect from wandering in the desert? Article: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/dykova... Listen as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://rozhl.as/mujRozhlasApplication Radiožurnál website: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / radiozurnal Twitter: / radiozurnal1 Instagram: / radiozurnal