Hurry up to take a place on the six-month course ❤️???????????? https://vk.cc/ctSAqm Download materials (notes + practice) here ????????https://vk.cc/ctUrJf ???????? If you suddenly have problems (no access to the platform / the curator did not write / do not understand where to go), please write to the course administrator and describe the problem in detail! We will be happy to help ???? http://t.me/egeflexadmin ————————— 0:00 - 1:22 - acquaintance 1:22 - 3:32 - about the course 3:32 - 4:27 - about other teachers, social. networks 4:27 - 8:25 - introductory part for task 8 8:25 - 15:24 - 1 error - incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 15:24 - 25:32 - 2 error - violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 25:32 - 32:00 - 3 error - violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 32:00 - 42:42 - 4 error - incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover 42:42 - 49:22 - 5 error - incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech 49:22 - 54:10 - 6 error - violation of the aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms 54:10 - 56:19 - warm-up 56:19 - 1:06:46 - 7 error - in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members 1:06:46 - 1:14:37 - 8 error - in the construction of a complex sentence 1:14:37 - 1:25:54 - 9 error - incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover 1:25:54 - 1:29:15 - 10 error - incorrect use of a numeral 1:29:15 - 1:32:29 - meditation 1:32:29 - 2:24:38 - practice 2:24:38 - 2:29:34 - about the "Record" course 2:29:34 - 2:33:25 - will Vera go to another school ?? 2:33:25 - 2:35:15 - drawing Social networks: ⬇️ Subscribe! Telegram channel https://t.me/vera_egeflex VK group Russian https://vk.com/egeflex_rus Sasha Gefest - history teacher⬇️ Telegram channel: https://t.me/gefesthist VK group: https://vk.com/egeflex_gefest Masha Vaib - social studies teacher❤️ Telegram channel: https://t.me/mashaegesoc VK group: https://vk.com/egeflex_soc #егэ #русскийегэ