The Great Mosque of Tasikmalaya is a historic mosque that accompanies the development process of the Tasikmalaya area. This mosque was built by the Regent of Sumedang, Raden Tumenggung Aria Surya Atmadja and then handed over to the Patih of Tasikmalaya, Patih Demang Sukma Amijaya. Until now, the Great Mosque of Tasikmalaya has been recorded as having undergone five renovations, namely in 1923, 1973, 1982, and 2000. So what are the details of the building and history of this mosque? Are you interested in visiting this magnificent mosque? Subscribe to get the latest video • Al-Gani Mosque, West Java Tourism Mas... Connect with us on Instagram and on TikTok /@journeytomasjid #journeytomasjid #wisatamasjid #mosquedindonesia #masjidagungtasikmalaya #reviewmasjid #sejarahmasjid #jelajahmasjid #JTM #westjava #mosquearchitecture #mosqueindonesia #mosquenusantara #jelajahmasjid #jelajahmasjidnusantara #wisatamasjid