You have to attack the food memories while they are at their strongest! Now Nicke and I follow up the program from Barcelona by cooking our own tapas dishes. Of course we take inspiration from Barcelona while making our own favourites. In total, we offer ten different dishes, with everything from oysters and tortillas to pasta with minced meat sauce and grilled steak. So stay tuned - you don't want to miss this! In paid collaboration with: El Gran Botánico https://www.systembolaget.se/produkt/... AUK - The fully automatic plant grower Use the discount code roynader15 to get a 15% discount! https://se.auk.eco/ Roys Deli http://www.roysdeli.se Severin https://www.severinshop.se/ _________________________________________ Follow me at: / theroynader _________________________________________ Nader/Nilsson Media AB