For those who want to help the channel ► PrivatBank 5363 5420 1570 1163 ► PayPal [email protected] ► For transfers from other countries BENEFICIARY TERNINKO YURII ACCOUNT 5168745604221595 BANK OF BENEFICIARY Privatbank, 1D Hrushevskoho str., Kyiv, 01001 Ukraine SWIFT CODE/BIC: PBANUA2X CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT 0011000080 INTERMEDIARY BANK JP MORGAN CHASE BANK SWIFT CODE: CHASUS33 IBAN: UA153052990000026203678612307 Thank you very much ❤️ Type: Audiobook - listen online. Title: Tao Te Ching Author: Lao Tzu Genre: Esoterics Philosophy Read by: Nikosho http://nikosho.ru/ The Tao Te Ching (IV-III century BC) sets out the foundations of Taoism, the philosophy of Lao Tzu. At the center of the doctrine is the teaching about the great Tao, the universal Law and the Absolute. Tao dominates everywhere and in everything, always and without limit. No one created it, but everything comes from it. Invisible and inaudible, inaccessible to the senses, constant and inexhaustible, nameless and formless, it gives rise to, name and form to everything in the world. Even the great Heaven follows Tao. To know Tao, to follow it, to merge with it - this is the meaning, purpose and happiness of life. The Tao manifests itself through its emanation - through de, and if the Tao gives birth to everything, then de feeds everything. The treatise insists on the ineffability of the Tao, which is the beginning of all things. To comprehend the Tao, non-action, silence, calm, moderation and dispassion are recommended, which grant merging with the Tao. Classic translation from Chinese ► Audiobooks on esotericism Sky Spector - / @skyspector