Seminar Transcript (text) of this video is here [Part 1] https://bit.ly/3AE5N3L [Part 2] https://bit.ly/2XfmrJb Special seminar in Mito, Ibaraki with Athlete Society Representative Director Tamesue Dai "The true nature of limits: How to break out of your invisible cage" (Held on September 27, 2017 at Shunyu Education Hall, Mito) When you try to achieve results in business, when you try to accomplish something, you can find yourself frozen between your ideals and reality, feeling limited, and unable to move. You want to demonstrate your true potential. You want to believe in your possibilities. What is the mind manipulation technique that Tamesue Dai talks about to remove the "stopper" within yourself when you are faced with your "limits" and improve your performance? (Titles are those at the time of the presentation on September 27, 2017) Tamesue Dai Representative Director of Athlete Society General Incorporated Association @TamesueAcademy GLOBIS Business School ■Upcoming seminars and events: https://bit.ly/2YPghAw ■Request for GLOBIS Business School materials: https://bit.ly/3DKbtLu GLOBIS Unlimited Learning https://hodai.globis.co.jp/lp/#utm_so... #GLOBIS Business School #Tamesue Dai