Fuel, cargo, baggage and number of passengers. This determines the weight with which a particular flight will take off. Does it matter how many men, women and children are on board and with what thrust the plane takes off on the runway? But how do airlines calculate the weight of passengers when there is no accurate measurement? How can it happen if a flight takes off with a load several tons higher than expected? How did the mix-up of Ms, Mr, and Mrs designations result in the preponderance of a charter flight last year? And how did the plane that couldn't take off from the Gander runway in 1985 become 8 tons heavier? Maths before take-off: what does the available data set affect during take-off? We also talked about this at the Aeropark with Gábor Somogyi-Tóth. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) If you would like to support the rebirth of the airplanes on display in the Aeropark: Donation by bank transfer: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Air Transport Cultural Center Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Please write: donation in the comments section) More information here: www.aeropark.hu