Trust the world and let go. This popular expression is not always understood correctly. What does it mean to trust the world and how to let go? How is the life you dream of created? Trust is the foundation of foundations on the path to a happy life. Total and global trust in the world and the Universe. Only trust can help a person swim, manage and enjoy at the same time. But for this, you first need to surrender. Surrender to the world, surrender to the Universe, surrender to the power of the elements. Only by surrendering and removing your defenses can you gain trust. And then the world will show you the truth. The whole truth about you and about you. It will tell you your story. The world is like a mirror. Only in trusting the world can you find yourself. Find out the answers to all the accumulated questions. The world will highlight what hurts you and help you heal. Through the people and opportunities that come to you. But this is only if there is trust, only if you believe in the world, believe in yourself, believe in yourself. Spiritual lecture-conversation from Adams Robert answers many questions. It is an ocean of information, delving into which, you discover spiritual and worldly truths. For someone it can become the beginning of the path, for someone else - a continuation. And this is good. If there is a path, there is a search, the truth is sure to manifest itself