Idol group Takamine no Nadeshiko held a major debut release event in Tokyo on the 21st. Takamine no Nadeshiko is a 10-member female idol group consisting of seven members (Jozuki Nao, Suzumi Suzu, Hazuki Sarana, Haruno Riri, Higashiyama Erika, Hinatabata Hina, Hoshitani Miku) who were selected in August 2022 after winning the "JDOL AUDITION supported by TIF" and three former members of "Last Idol" (Hashimoto Momoko, Matsumoto Momona, Momiyama Himeri). The official cover music video of the song "Kawaii-te Gomen", which was sound-produced by the creator unit HoneyWorks and became a hot topic on TikTok, has been viewed over 13.39 million times on YouTube, attracting attention from overseas. On this day, Takamine no Nadeshiko performed four songs: "Utsukushii ni Ikiro," "Koi wo Shita Sekai," "Kawaii-te Gomen," and "Fansa." Unfortunately, the outdoor event was rainy, but they performed with all their might. Anna Murashige, a talent who had been watching from the audition, was also there to watch. #Takane no Nadeshiko #Takaneko #Live Beautifully #Sorry for Being Cute #Idol