The 12-minute Running Test, used in the Police Officers' Selection Process, is intended to assess the candidate's maximum aerobic performance upon admission, or when on active duty (operational or administrative). To this end, the panel that submits itself to this evaluation methodology must run or walk as much as possible, in a hermetically sealed location, for a period of 12 minutes. The length of the test track must be known, so that, at the end of the time, the distance covered by the candidate being tested can be measured. The result will be compared in a points table, allowing the assignment of a score ranging from 00 to 100 points, depending on the result obtained. This evaluation will be added to other specific tests that, in the end, will result in an average for the candidate's Physical Fitness Test. It was not designed randomly and without purpose. It originated from a longitudinal and cross-sectional scientific study1 carried out by Kennedy Cooper in 1968. This important researcher in the area of Physical Activity carried out a field test with US Air Force personnel, describing an evaluation procedure to measure the maximum aerobic performance capacity of those who were willing to perform the suggested test. In this study, the aforementioned author aimed to verify the maximum oxygen consumption2 in those who performed its application. Adapted from the Balke Test3, the 12-minute Test was widely publicized and applied in the 1970s, due to its ease of administration, low cost and the possibility of several people being evaluated at the same time. ---------------------------------------------------------- GO WARRIOR! You can also find me here: Instagram - @forcaguerreiro Facebook - Adilson Torres, Studio Elementos I was a Sgt in the Army 39° Bimtz - Osasco -SP - Current 4° Bil Physical Education Teacher Cref 128083 SP