Live with the Syrian Minister of Finance, Mohammad Abazid, regarding the economic challenges facing the country and ways to address them. We inherited a dilapidated state with empty coffers, huge debts, and no components. We started by increasing salaries by 400% in order to improve the conditions of employees and raise their simple sources of income. We seek to restructure the job structure in order to address the flabbiness in government institutions and agencies. There are no real numbers for employees in government institutions, and the real reality indicates that there are 900,000 employees. The previous regime dealt with corruption and favoritism in appointing employees, and some of them were registered on paper only to receive a salary without working, from 20 to 25 dollars. The average salary in Syria, and the majority of the Syrian people are below the poverty line. We seek to implement the salary increase that we promised after the fall of the regime, and it is expected that there will be other increases. There are 300,000 employees whose names will be removed from those who were receiving salaries without working, and lifting the sanctions on Syria will help us. The previous regime followed an unfair tax system that burdened the Syrians and led to the flight of investments. Syria has started a new page, and we will seek to attract investments from Arab countries and encourage them by reforming the tax system from 20 to 23 billion dollars. Syria's external debts and there are billions of local debts that the ousted regime did not have any records to refer to regarding external and internal debts. We do not have a magic wand to solve Syria's economic problems. We inherited a public sector, 70% of which are losing companies. We are reviewing the losing companies and those that have no economic viability will be closed or privatized. We will encourage Syrian businessmen abroad to return to Syria and invest in it. Lifting economic sanctions and unfreezing funds abroad will contribute to reviving the Syrian economy. We have not received any dollars so far from the countries that promised us assistance and we are waiting to receive them. #Syria #Aljazeera_Mubasher Subscribe to the channel to receive all that is new by clicking on the following link https://ajm.me/yop3yh Watch the live broadcast of Aljazeera Mubasher https://youtube.com/live/Lwbp9WfLslc Follow us on: Aljazeera Mubasher on the Internet https://www.aljazeeramubasher.net / ajmubasher / ajmubasher / aljazeeramubasher / aljazeeramubasher / aljazeera_mubasher #Aljazeera_Mubasher