Do you know how to identify if someone is lactose intolerant? What are the signs of the body that we need to be aware of? Lactose intolerance can bring with it several questions and many changes in our daily habits when clinically diagnosed. Once again, Dr. Williams, Apsen's medical manager, brings a relaxed and enlightening conversation with Dr. Bianca Naves, answering all questions about lactose intolerance. Dr. Bianca is a founding partner of Nutri Office, certified in Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM) and a contributor to the Hoje em Dia program on TV Record TV Record. Apsen reiterates the importance of seeking a qualified professional and a medical diagnosis. #lactoseintolerance #intolerance #lactose __________________________________________ Website: https://apsen.com.br Facebook: / apsenfarmaceutica Instagram: / apsenfarmaceutica Linked In: / apsen Podcast: https://spoti.fi/3foYK7o The opinions expressed by guests are their responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Apsen Farmacêutica.