The sentences of the Syllabus of Errors published in 1864 might sound to modern Catholics like an average contemporary declaration by the Roman authorities or episcopate, if one did not take into account that the Syllabus condemns these sentences rather than confirms them. Fr. Szymon Bańka FSSPX attempts to explain this paradox. The text of the Syllabus can be found, for example, here: https://opoka.org.pl/biblioteka/W/WP/... You can purchase it here: https://tedeum.pl/te-deum-quanta-cura... The aforementioned book: https://dereggio.org/popularno-naukow... Donate 1% of your tax! https://poland-a.prod.fsspx.org/pl/ne... Aquinas Schools: http://szkoly.akwinata.edu.pl/pl Chapels of the Brotherhood of St. Pius X in Poland: https://www.piusx.org.pl/kaplice We recommend the Te Deum publishing house: http://www.tedeum.pl/ and the FSSPX Poland channel: / @fsspxpolska Support the works of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X: https://www.piusx.org.pl/wsparcie-dar... I invite you to discuss in the comments section, but I reserve the right to remove offensive or uncultured comments. I will also block users who try to use the comments section not for discussion but for persistent advertising of their pages, channels, etc. The thumbnail uses a photo from the website: https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/kraj/ne... #modernism #fsspx