Switching Power Supply - How Does OCP Protection Work? Eletronica Facil teaches how a switching power supply works, what a switching power supply is and how to study the oscillator IC datasheet step by step! ????Download Our Free E-book: ▶ https://bit.ly/Cursos_EBooks_Eletroni... and Get to Know Our Complete Electronics and Programming Courses ????Products Used in the Video Class and That You Can Find at the Easy Electronics STORE: ????https://www.lojaeletronicafacil.com.br/ ▶ Get your DISCOUNT NOW With the COUPON: EFACIL5 and Boost Your Workbench with RIGOL Equipment ????RIGOL Distributors: ???? RAISA: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_RAISA ◀ ???? RCBI: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_RCBI ◀ ???? OHMINI: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_OHMINI ◀ ???? Rio Link: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIO_LINK_RIGOL_DESCONTO ◀ ???? RYNDACK: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_RYN... ◀ ????GETROTECH: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_GET... ◀ ???? Join our Easy Electronics Channel on Telegram and receive exclusive content! ▶ https://t.me/canaleletronicafacil ???? Follow us on our SOCIAL MEDIA: ⚡Instagram: @eletronica_facil_oficial @RigolBrasil ???? RIGOL's LinkedIn: /br-rigol If you are interested in learning more about switching power supplies and overcurrent protection, the Easy Electronics Course is an excellent choice. On the Easy Electronics channel on YouTube, you will find several videos that explain in a simple and practical way how switching power supplies (Switched Power Supply) work. A switching power supply (or SMPS, from the English Switch Mode Power Supply) is a type of power supply that uses a switching circuit to convert electrical energy efficiently. This type of power supply is widely used due to its high efficiency and ability to provide stable power to electronic devices. To understand how a switching power supply works, it is essential to know the basic components: transformer, oscillator, voltage regulator, and rectification diodes. Fast circuit switching allows the transformer to be smaller and lighter compared to traditional linear power supplies. Switching power supply protection is essential to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the equipment. One of the main protection methods is OCP (Over Current Protection) protection. OCP protection in a switching power supply limits the output current to prevent damage to components. Switching power supply does not turn on: This may be due to a blown fuse, damaged component or failure in the OCP protection. Switching power supply has stopped working: This may occur due to overheating, overload or failure of internal components. Defective switching power supply: Identifying the fault in the switching power supply may involve checking components such as transistors, capacitors, diodes IC Oscillator. Switching Power Supply Course For those specifically interested in switching power supplies, a switching power supply course on Easy Electronics details how OCP protection works, the theory of operation and methods of diagnosis and repair. Visit the Easy Electronics channel for practical tutorials and detailed explanations on how the switching power supply works and the steps to correct common problems. Through these resources, you will be able to better understand what a switched power supply is, how to implement it correctly and ensure its adequate protection with OCP. Exploring these courses and resources can be a big step towards mastering electronics in a practical and applied way, and you can find all of this in the easy electronics course. ➡️ Website to search for datasheets of various components, including the one used in today's class: ➡️ https://datasheetspdf.com/datasheet/s... ⚡ Watch Now: ➡️Does a Multimeter FOOL You When Measuring Voltage? Is an Oscilloscope IMPORTANT? Easy Electronics and RIGOL ⚡ • Multimeter FOOLS You In Measurements of ... ➡️ Arduino Course - How to Start Programming - Easy Electronics - Lesson 1 ⚡ • Arduino Course - How to Program ARD... ➡️ Fatal Errors that Ruin your Soldering Iron Every Day ⚡ • Do you DO This with the Soldering Iron? W... ➡️ 5 Ways to Make Money with Electronics ⚡ • 5 Areas for You to Make Money and V... ➡️ The 15 FATAL MISTAKES that Most People Make when Studying Electronics ⚡ • The 15 FATAL MISTAKES that Most People MAKE ... ➡️ Follow these 5 STEPS to LEARN Electronics from Scratch ⚡ • Follow these 5 STEPS to LEARN Elec...