Many people ask if it is possible to swim without breathing. This is a very common situation among beginners, but the real reason behind this question is often the lack of familiarity with the breathing technique of the crawl stroke. And not just the breathing technique, but the entire swimming technique, whether breathing, arm stroke or crawl kick. It is common for beginners to try to swim a short distance and soon run out of air. To understand this fact, it is necessary to first understand that the main function of oxygen in our body is to generate energy, along with other elements, oxygen is responsible for the functioning of muscles, organs and the nervous system. When the swimmer does not have a very efficient swimming technique, their movements end up using much more energy than normal. In addition, the fact of not performing good breathing while swimming or even completely blocking it (apnea) reduces the supply of oxygen to the body, resulting in total muscular and respiratory fatigue. To solve this problem, the ideal is to perform good technique work, both in breathing during the crawl stroke and in the rest of the movements. With a more efficient technique, oxygen consumption is lower, making swimming much smoother. However, there are situations where apnea is used, especially in speed events and specific training, where holding your breath while swimming is used as a tool to improve several aspects of the swimmer's performance, whether they are a beginner or an experienced swimmer. Want to learn more about Nixie? Click on the link! https://www.nixieswim.com/?utm_source... #canalnadamais #swimming #swimmingcrawl