Click to subscribe!: (Shortened link) http://tiny.pl/gw6dq 80,000 LIKES = MORE PRANKS! HELLO! This time together with Good Lord Krzych we sealed our pool with duct tape... The reactions of the household were great, and then we all jumped into the sealed pool together! Watch to the end ????! ♦♦ SEND ME A PACKAGE! ► Address: FRIZ GETHERO Buforowa 4E 52-131 Wrocław ♦ INSTAGRAM ► / frizoluszek ♦ FANPAGE ► http://www.fb.com/friz.yt ♦♦ WORK WITH US! ► [email protected] ♦ TEAM YT ► / ekipayt ♦ WERONIKA YT ► / @wersoww ♦ MINI MAJK YT ► / @minimajk7398 ♦ TROMBA YT ► / trombabomba ♦ MIXER YT ► / @xrmixer ♦ WERONIKA INSTA ► / wersow ♦ TROMBA INSTA ► / trombabomba ♦ MINI MAJK INSTA ► / _minimajk ♦ WUJEK ŁUKI INSTA ► / wujekluki ♦ MIXER INSTA ► / therealmixer ♦ KRZYCHU INSTA ► / poczciwykrzychu ♦ MARTA INSTA ► / murcix ♦ PAW INSTA ► / kot_lapka ♦ MAN TAPE INSTA► / czlowieksrebrnatasma ♦ PUSZEK INSTA ► / puszekokruszek_